Name of Project : National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
Funding Agency : ICAR, New Delhi, CRIDA, Hyderabad
Duration : 03 year
Objectives : 1.  To enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability and climate change through development and application of improved production and Risk management technologies.
2. To demonstrate site specific technology packages on farmers’ fields for adapting to current climate risks.
3. To enhance the capacity of scientists and other stakeholders in   Climate resilient agricultural research and its application
Cost of the project(Rs in Lac) : 9.5
Name of village/black : Heeranar,Po- Heeranar, Teh- Geedam, Distt. –Danteawada (C.G.) 494441
Area (ha.) : 282.210
Present status : Running
Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes. Global warming is projected to have significant impact on conditions affecting agriculture, including temperature, carbon dioxide, glacial run-off, precipitation and the interaction of these elements .These conditions determine the carrying capacity of the biosphere to produce enough food for the human population and domesticated animals. Models generally predict that rising temperature, increased climate variability and extreme weather events could significantly impact food production in coming decades impacting growth of agriculture GDP. Assessment of the effects of global climate changes on agricultural might help to properly anticipate and adapt farming to maximize agricultural production.
It is therefore most important that we enhance the resilience of Indian Agriculture production system to climate variability and climate change. Resilience is the capacity of the production system to resist the negative impacts of climate change and also the capacity to recover quickly after the damage. The NICRA project is an integrated package of proven technology which is demonstrated in Heeranar village of district Dantewada for adaptation and mitigation of the crop and livestock production systems to climate variability based on the available technologies. Demonstration of this technology is also given to other farmers from different village of Dantewada district.
1. Training programme, Kisan Gosthi, Field Day, Diagnostic visit under National initiative on climate Resilience Agriculture.
Year No. of Training No. of Part. No. of Kisan Gosthi No. of Part. Awareness camp No. of Part. Exposure Visit No. of Part.
2010-11 07 235 3 44 1 34 1 45
2011-12 09 302 5 65 1 47 2 60
2012-13 14 387 04 67 02 39 02 80
Total 30 924 12 176 04 120 05 185
2. Year wise details of Demonstrations conducted under NICRA
             Year      2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Total
No. of FLD 18 25 14 57
Area (ha.) 28 36 29 93
Status of custom hiring Services NICRA –KVK --- DANTEWADA
S. N. Name of implements Date of Purchase Operational performance Revenue Generated (Rs.) No. of  Farmers benefited
No. of hrs. Area covered (ha)
1 Seed cum ferti. Drill 9 Tynes 11.01.12 16 10.5 800 18
  Hymetic Power Operated Sprayer cum Duster 28.03.11 16 Day 16 800 32
  5 HP Botliboi Diesel Pump 28.03.11 4 Day 2 1000 12
  Sprinkler set (7 Nozzale) 28.03.11 8 Day 8 400 18
  Tractor Drawn Rotavator 28.03.11 8 2.5 400 17
  Tractor Drawn Land Leveller 28.03.11 5 Day 2 500 20
  Hend Roted Chap Cutter 28.03.11 40 Nil 600 35
  Bull Drawn Bhoram Dev Seed Dril 28.03.11 8 Day 4 400 17
  Cycle while hend hoe 28.03.11 4 Day 4 300 10
  Tractor Drawn Thresher 28.03.11 20 6.5 6000 48
  Moter Drawn Reaper 28.03.11 10 3.5 1000 35
  Tractor Drawn Cultivator 28.03.11 12 4 600 15
  Hand Roted Paddy Weeder 28.03.11 6 Day 3 300 18
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